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Hi Zakiro, was wondering if you do commission work or not ?

(1 edit)

These are great! I'm totally using these in my game. Thanks so much for making them free. They're super well made. Here is the game if you're curious:

Hi, I'm doing a game stream for hobby and was looking for a music that fit intro/afk screen.  I find Dancing Robot to be a good track to listen on repeat. Would you mind if I use the track for my stream (including music to play during art bgm kind of)? I'm not sure since you made them for game project so I'd like to hear a confirmation. 

Either way thanks for great sounds! (my favorite is the cafe from vol.2. Chill track with energy helps keep me going. goes well with coffee too :3)


Yes, feel free to use it in any kind of stream. Thanks for your appreciation, and good luck with your streaming projects.